Monday, October 16, 2006

After Effects 7.0 Fails to Startup

I recently uncovered a startup problem with Adobe After Effects 7.0 Pro after installing for the first time. For reference, I'm running Windows XP with a NVidia GeForce4 MX graphics card that's a few years old now. I also know the problem happens with other NVidia cards as well like the Quadro FX. The problem is not the card though, it's the driver.

The problem: when I tried to launch After Effects, the After Effects startup screen would show, but the startup would fail when the status message reached "Initializing User Interface". I found no help on Adobe's site or the blogs so I thought I'd post here.

The fix is simple: update your NVidia GeForce driver. You can check for your update here if you have an NVidia card ( Once the new driver was installed, it launched fine. It's always a good idea to keep your video drivers up to date anyway.

Hope this helps someone else.

- WLinkin


At 5:18 PM, December 17, 2006, Blogger Michael M said...

Thanks for that info. I could not get After Efects 7.0.1 trial to run at all until I read your advice.
Worked like a charm!

I am using an NVIDIA GeForce PCX 5750 graphics card, which is not on Adobe's list of supported cards, but with the latest display driver version 93.71, it works very well.

Driver at

BTW - for anyone reading this:
uninstall existing display driver before installing new one, AND, no virus/spyware running during update process.


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