Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Flash 8 is here!

I'm excited about the release of the Flash 8. I downloaded the trial and can't wait to play with the new dynamic transfer and blur effects.

I'm bummed to notice that there's an issue with dual monitors when setting up custom Workspace Layouts. I like to keep most of the panels on a second monitor out of the way of the stage. I arranged the Actionscript, Timeline and Output panels on a second monitor and saved. Then restarted Flash or just switched to one of my dual monitor layouts, the panels jumped back to monitor 1. I'll keep playing to see if I can get them to work. The customizable Workspace Layouts are very convenient when switching from animating the timeline to stage layout to Actionscript development. I'm not giving them up without a fight.

If you've found the same issue or have a workaround (besides buying 1 enormous monitor) let me know.


At 4:25 PM, September 14, 2005, Blogger wLinkin said...

I played around some more. I found 2 things:

1. The timeline palette ignores any custom positioning. Nice!

2. As far as the actions and output panels go. Keep their edges away from the second monitor's edges (inside snapping distance from the monitor edge). Then, and only then, will those palette positions be saved to the second monitor.

I can live with number 2, but one of the main points of customizing the layouts was to get the timeline palette off the stage area for a larger stage work area AND a large timeline work area.

I hope this bug is fixed soon.

At 6:35 PM, July 16, 2007, Blogger ima said...

It's 20070716 and the same crap behavior is still in CS3 !!! I can't image Flash developers keep putting up with such a poor IDE. Has anyone in Adobe ever launched VisualStudio, Netbeans, or the like? or do they program from the command line :)


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